High School Tutoring Sydney
Tutoring is part of education, at least for those who want to rise above generic mediocrity. The information from formal lessons and textbooks is fundamental and needs to be learn by everybody. But if we want to specialize, or apply the new knowledge in some unique way, then we will benefit from a tutor.
There are two main benefits, from tutoring. One is helping students with their own individual needs, weaknesses and perhaps lack of background knowledge. Tutoring can find where an individual is tripping up, or suffering a misconception. Another advantage is where the student needs to apply their knowledge in a science project, original research, or an essay question. It is especially applicable if the student is to set their own essay question.
Essay Questions and High School Tutoring Sydney
A naive person might think that answering their own question is an easy matter. But nothing is that simple. The whole point of such an essay is to come up with an original question, leading to a useful or interesting answer. Alternately, we might set a classic essay question that has never been fully resolved, and hope to shed some new light on the subject. A tutor is useful here. The tutor may be able to point out if something has already been done, or if a question is too difficult because it is beyond the present level of education.
High School Tutoring Sydney
We might think there is a lot of freedom in setting our own question. This is largely true. But it also means we are on our own, having to find our own way to answer that question. So freedom means being responsible, more independent, and reasonably capable.
– You will need to think critically for this type of question, more so than others. You cannot use somebody else’s ideas, or just compare rival ideas (that might be part of it). You will need to take basic information and derive new ideas.
– Look for a question you would like to see answered. Ever wonder why the main character of that novel is so unlikable? Or why we still read that 18th century play about slavery? Perhaps the essay addresses how slavery is gone but prejudice remains in a different form. Or why that character is unlikable, but still right about their beliefs.
– Find the element of a novel or piece of history that you find confusing, then ask why. That fictional character is kind, yet mistreated her mother. Or the king was prejudiced, yet made exceptions in some cases. Why the inconsistency?
– Look at the contrast between the ordinary and the exceptional. Often the history only looks at the significant events, the revolution, the scientific breakthrough. If we look at the more typical situation we may well understand why the exceptions are so significant.
– Brainstorm, and write down several potential ideas. Then realize that the first ideas are obvious to everybody. The third idea is probably better than the first idea.
– Look at other perspectives. What did you think when you first encountered this, versus what you think now. How did people see the historical event a hundred years ago, versus how we see it now. Our context versus the context of the time.
– The abstract noun in the concrete setting. ‘Curiosity in the Industrial Revolution’ or ‘Integrity in the Rulers political Decision’ can give a broad subset of questions.
Run any potential ideas by the tutor. This will help eliminate any overused, cliche topics and find a question that has potential for insightful discussion.
High School Tutoring Sydney
Tutoring means educational help at the individual level. This is the complementary approach that allows us to reach our potential.
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