Primary Writing Sydney High School Writing Sydney Tutoring Sydney HSC Coaching Sydney

Do Grades Motivate?

Primary Writing Sydney

No one would prefer to have lower grades. We all realize that better grades open up more career possibilities though more advanced university courses, and even the possibility of scholarships.

Some form of grading is inevitable. How else could we measure progress? Grades are the main way we get feedback on where we have made a mistake (though there are other means as well). But we might have questions on how we grade some creative subjects, like art or creative writing. Yet the next question is, what is the alternative to grading in creative subjects? Is everybody equally talented.

High School Writing Sydney

There are some subjects that aren’t assessable/graded. But there is concern that if the thing isn’t graded then the student won’t bother to do it, or only make the minimal effort. It is hard to completely disagree with this. But assessment task do take the pressure off, and it can lead to student following their own creativity rather than try to do what they think the teacher wants. Non-assessment tasks are more about learning, so we understand better when the exam/assessment comes.

HSC Tutoring Sydney

Do poor grades motivate a student? This varies greatly. To the small group of people who are used to straight ‘A’ grades the lower grade is a great incentive to study. But the vast majority of student do not respond this way to poor grades. Many are content to have a ‘C’, and might be motivated by the threat of a failure. But they won’t push themselves past the level of Satisfactory. Some see an ‘F’ as a sign to simply give up.

If we emphasis progress and learning, and show that grades are only a rough indication of the student’s present ability, then we might motivate a few more students to improve. A few students realize that getting off on the wrong foot, and having a few bad grades at the beginning of semester, doesn’t mean they can’t dramatically improve before the final exam. A few teachers will give extra marks to an improved student.

HSC Coaching Sydney

Education is about personal improvement and being a part of the community. Tutoring can help address the individual education needs.

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